DNA microscopy using Atomic Force Microscope
Machine vision enhancements to DNA skeleton extraction algorithms in openCV and MATLAB
Filters to improve extraction robustness and accuracy Tiling to handle large
images 5000 x 5000 pixels Manage raw image import into skeleton editor from the Dimension Icon Atomic Force Microscope
environment Develop user friendly skeleton extraction and editor using the MATLAB GUI(Graphic User Interface) library
Develop speed optimized modules in C to run in MATLAB environment Develop remote COM automated interface
for the Bruker Dimension
Icon AFM microscope
DNA alternate sequence extraction with AI estimation
DNA sequence analysis development and testing from raw Illumina MiSeq
intensities and images(gcc c++, python, MATLAB, bowtie, bwa) Re-packing of the Illumina
clusters for processing under nVidia Cuda rules Transfer package to Amazon Web Services Linux cluster
to expand the number of simultaneous processors, more memory,
faster run performance, market based pricing